There's always a reason behind everything.


As i woke up today to perform my Subuh prayer,
i noticed that it had been almost 2 weeks after i finished
with my final papers. n next week i'm going to start my practical.
how time flies!

something triggered me this morning. u know, when out of sudden
u remember all those random things. ahah.
well, that something actually changed me on how i treat people.

it happened back then, when i was in form 2. i was immature,
selfish, hot-tempered, childish, emotional (well, i still have that now. sigh).
oh but first let me tell you, this is about siblings :)
i have 4 siblings including me.
2 older brothers n 1 younger sister.
because the gap between me and my younger sister is quite far
which is 6 years, i tend to less care about her.
i always get mad in everything she did, scolded her,
raise my voice, which is yeah.. not proper.
i was only 14, but i always wonder how my friends
could go along with their lil' siblings so well?
i don't even feel guilty when i scolded her.
teruk betul.

tapi Allah itu Maha Adil lagi Maha Mengetahui.
i was involved in a car accident.
abg pi, abg wan n me was in the car while
umi, abah n my lil sis was in another car. the car that
i'm in, had a serious accident that makes the car
totally lost in control. i was at the back of the car
while abg wan my second brother drove the car.
abg pi sat next to abg wan.
after our car stopped from all the
melambung-berpusing-langgar tepi jalan-stuff,
all of us senyap.
maybe we didn't expect this thing happened.
luckily 3 of us didn't injured. thanks to the airbag.

after a while.
abg pi said to abg wan,
"patutnye aku drive.."
abg wan replied,
"eh takpela pi.. aku ok..takde injured ape pun"
abg pi senyap. then he said,
" tak.. mmg patutnye aku bawak.. tak patut bg kau bwk..
aku abg sulung.. aku yg sepatutnya bertangunggjawab pada adik2.
aku yg sepatutnya tanggung kalau umi abah nak marah nanti.
bukan kau.."
then abg wan said,
"takpe pi.. mmg aku nak drive td.. salah aku.. bukan salah kau.."
lastly abg pi said,
"takpe la.. nanti biar aku explain sume kat umi abah..
kau jgn risau k.."

i was at the back, watching them being a very good siblings
towards each other.
i found that, even if our siblings makes a fault,
still, we shoud have our own responsibilities.
it's not about siapa kakak-abang-or adik,
it's about how you take care the family.
it shows how much love you had for them
that you would even trade yourself to make them
just to feel better.

after that, well u get the idea lah kan. i changed my perspective.
not totally lah. but still trying to be a better sister n sibling :)

i always. always believe that,
everything happens for a reason.

any similar stories that makes u and your siblings
relationship even better? let me know then :)

till then, salam jumaat semua!


  1. Soooo sweet...Air dicincang takkan putus...Family is our best friends....

  2. blood ticker than water tapi mmg btol about u and ur lil sis beze 6 thun and u always mcm rase marah kan? sbb ili pon mcm tu, beza 13 tahun.. rase macam emo jugak ah hari2...ahahaha

    1. wahhh.. beza jauh betul tuh wak! takpe.. lama2 akan ok la tu kan? :D

  3. Juz 4 share..Sy dgr neyh dr radio ..Actlly ney bout peranan ibu bapa but also boleh diimplemen kpd adk2. Ustazah neyh kata kita perlu bersikap berhemah dlm mndidik ank2 . .Jgn terlalu emosi dan sbgainya dlm mndidik ank2.biasanya ank2 akn berada dekat dgn kita sehingga usia 12 thn sbb bg yg meningkat 13 ke ats mgkin sudah masuk asrama. So,jgn penuhkan tempoh 12thn tu dgn caci maki,sumpah seranah dan mrh2 ketika mndidik. kerana mrk neyh slps umo mncapai 13 thn akn jauh dan jauh dari kita.Dan mase itu hatinya dah terlalu ssh untk menerima sgala nasihat. Mereka mgkin sudah ada family baru iaitu kwn2.. Mmg kata2 ustazah itu terkesan jg di hati sy yg ske mrh adik dan krg penyabar bila ajar adk2 sy dlm soal pelajaran.Bila sy mula rase nk mrh, sy ingt blek kata2 ustazah tu then sy mampu menanganinya=) Alhamdulillah semuanya dgn izin Allah.

    1. thanks for the info oleen. nanti dah ada anak sendiri kena sentiasa igt nasihat ni :)

  4. beza adek yg bongsu 15 tahun. *oke fine. ko kecik aku kena banyak mengalah dan besaba. ggrrrrrr~ admit it...she's the one i miss the most .xoxo.

    1. ahaha. ni kes ego sbb gap jauh ke ape? hehe. tp i have to admit, akan ade satu mase yg kite akan rinduuu sgt. :')

  5. seriously , to be a good sister is kinda hard to do , especially when your lil brother is not so helpful . I hope on a very one fine day , we can make a better relationship after all . you know why ? because mama always said this . "KALAU MAMA TADE , SIAPA LAGI NAK JAGA ADIK , KALAU BUKAN KAKAK . KALAU KAKAK YANG TAK POLITELY TALK TO HIM , SAPE LAGI NAK TREAT HIM BETTER ? KALAU KAKAK TAK PK BAIK PASAL ADIK SENDIRI , ORANG LAIN APATAH LAGI "

    1. nemo kene dgr ckp mak nemo tau.. she's being a very good mother. takpe.. nemo pun ok what dgn adik2. kan? kan? hee :)

  6. im so touch..untungnya akak ada abang..saya anak sulung , adik kedua saya lelaki tersangatlah garang.kadang2 orang tertanya2 siapa kakak siapa adik..tapi walau mcm mana pun kalau saya tak ada dia akan selalu cari saya.hee..nice entry kak !

    1. anis pun ada juga untungnya, maybe tak perasan atau tak sampai waktu lagi maybe? hehe.. tuh la, siblings mmg tempat kita mengadu kan! :D

  7. Actually , the same thing happened to me . Bukan accident to laa , but marah-marah adik tu semua . Same mcm Dila , Dila anak ketiga and I have two older brothers and 1 lil sis . So , selalu la jugak marah-marah adik . But , sometimes that thing makes me and my lil sis become closer (:

    1. kann. kann. kadang2 gaduh gila2 lah. then after that, bila baik semula, jd makin rapat :)

  8. u know what?i had mine..but our gap is 5 years..can u imagine that?everything she did,is always wrong in my view..samalah kita..then..even dea kena marah dgn aira,everything y fatin buat aira buat jugak..satu je..dea jenis y x berkira..pemurah sgt..but in the other hand,aira x bg if dea nk borrow barang aira..aira pernah perasan y dea tengok budak lain kiss her sister's cheek..1 day,dea nk kiss pipi aira,aira tolak sbb aira mmg x suka sape2 touch any part of my body..i feel guilty but ego..bila dea masuk asrama,aira rase mcm kesian sbb byk benda y dea x mampu nk buat according to her condition of health..aira tekad nk kiss dea b4 masuk asrama..suddently,aira y cium pipi dea..mybe dea terkejut tp lepas 2 dea hepy sgt..mybe dea baru dpt rasa kasih syg sorg kakak..after that,aira,x sabar tggu dea balik dr hostel..miss her..:)

    1. your story buat air mata sy bergenang.. good move aira! :')

  9. Love your story :)

    Tanggungjawab tu mendewasakan kita.
    Jauh mana pun kita, kasih sayang takkan putus <3

  10. Sis, saya sangat terharuuu baca perbualan ur brothers :)

    1. ahah.. sy sendiri yg dgr mase dulu pun cam da sedih sorang2 kat blakang. huhu.

  11. I owe along a lot. she raised me very well.
    jaga makan,minum,pkai,buang air sume, mase sis umo 3thn.
    along sanggup tak masuk kindergarten sbb nak jga sis..mase tuh along umo 5thn..
    siap ckp kat umi.."takpe umi,along faham umi kerja.along boleh jga adik."

    smpai skrg, umi hari2 pesan kt sis,
    "ingat jasa along. along da byk berkorban. kalo umi takde nnti, dgr dan taat kata along."
    slalu rasa sayu nak nangis everytime umi pesan cakap mcm tuh.

    1. seyes sis.. fatin tatau pun along cemtuh dulu.. baiknye along..
      takpe.. fatin tgk pun, sis ngn siblings sume rapat2. suke sgt tgk korang harituh :)

  12. entry kali ni very moving! :(

  13. baiknya siblings sis :) mcm lisa, hanya lisa sorg je anak prmpuan dlm family. so kadang2 rasa sunyi jugak la sebab hal prmpuan xkan nak share dgn lelaki but then bila semua meningkat besar, masing2 share story life sebab dulu awkward sangat. alhamdulillah skrg kami adik-beradik rapat :)

    1. glad to hear that lisa. same goes here, dulu rapat biasa2 aja, bila dah dewasa n byk cabaran, baru cte masalah kat dey all. dari situ start makin rapat :)

  14. bestnye ada abgggg... baek pulak tuee.. :DD

  15. ha'a ~ mmg tak sedar kalo takde sometin' hppn in life ,, same larr kita.. same similar story ~ common mistake .


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