during holiday
assalamualaikum :)
first of all, happy chinese new year to all chinese peeps!
gong xi fa cai!
seperti student2 lain, cuti ni haruslah balik rumah.
sy kini di kuantan :)
what did i do?
nothing much. most of the time makan.
cook. watch glee. playin wif my 11 cats sampai calar2 badan kene
cakaran manje mereka. ikut umi n abah jalan2.
well. that's basically what i did.
lansung tak keluar rumah for the first 3 days balik kuantan.
n to my surprise, i do like it!
i guess, life in s.a is sooo hectic that makes me feel
so tired, sometimes.
but, it's okay.
bagi yang kenal sy, sy seorang yg
tak boleh duduk diam.
it's not that i'm talkative or what.
it's that, i have to do things.
working. making myself busy is what i like to do.
it makes me alert.
n good for my studies too.
kalau sy fokus sgt study n didn't do anything besides that,
seriously, i can't focus.
i think i'm a type of person who always
force myself to do many things at a time.
uh. mcm tak elok pulak rasenye. :(
tp takpe, take it in a good way lah fatin :).
btw, smalam sy ikut abah ke kuala pahang.
saje2 ikut abah tgk projek dia di sana.
i came from a technical family actually.
my father took civil, both brothers took quantity
servayor n kakak ipar pun qs jugak.
after pmr dulu mmg sy nak ambil technical jugak,
sbb mmg dah minat agaknye kan.
but my mum refuse to.
katanya, eloklah perempuan ambil yg lain.
wuu. takpe lah.
dgr cakap mak ayah takkan rugi :)
first of all, happy chinese new year to all chinese peeps!
gong xi fa cai!
seperti student2 lain, cuti ni haruslah balik rumah.
sy kini di kuantan :)
what did i do?
nothing much. most of the time makan.
cook. watch glee. playin wif my 11 cats sampai calar2 badan kene
cakaran manje mereka. ikut umi n abah jalan2.
well. that's basically what i did.
lansung tak keluar rumah for the first 3 days balik kuantan.
n to my surprise, i do like it!
i guess, life in s.a is sooo hectic that makes me feel
so tired, sometimes.
but, it's okay.
bagi yang kenal sy, sy seorang yg
tak boleh duduk diam.
it's not that i'm talkative or what.
it's that, i have to do things.
working. making myself busy is what i like to do.
it makes me alert.
n good for my studies too.
kalau sy fokus sgt study n didn't do anything besides that,
seriously, i can't focus.
i think i'm a type of person who always
force myself to do many things at a time.
uh. mcm tak elok pulak rasenye. :(
tp takpe, take it in a good way lah fatin :).
btw, smalam sy ikut abah ke kuala pahang.
saje2 ikut abah tgk projek dia di sana.
i came from a technical family actually.
my father took civil, both brothers took quantity
servayor n kakak ipar pun qs jugak.
after pmr dulu mmg sy nak ambil technical jugak,
sbb mmg dah minat agaknye kan.
but my mum refuse to.
katanya, eloklah perempuan ambil yg lain.
wuu. takpe lah.
dgr cakap mak ayah takkan rugi :)
sgt jeles sbb library dia sgt besaaaaar
and view menghadap lake.
ala2 limkokwing pun ade da sy nengok.
p/s- bodek abah mtk buat library cemnih kat uitm s.a gak bole?
betul2 depan fac business. haha. ok. berangan.
lebih gelap dr badan. sedih betul.
p/s- lepas shooting, tanggal makeup terus.
haa. kalau korang dtg kuantan, silelah dtg ke tg lumpur
utk makan makanan laut ataupun kuih2 tradisional.
most of the peeps here are terengganu n kelantanese.
kami slalu ke kedai ni kalau na mkn petang.
kedai ni sebelah dgn balai polis n org mmg sentiasaaa penuh.
kelapa, laksa n mee calong.
korang tau mee calong tu ape?
mm. mee calong ni lebih kurang macam mee sup jugak.
tp yg specialnye, ade homemade fishball.
kirenye buat bebola ikan sendiri.
ni makanan tgannuuu. hehe.
as for today,
lepas zohor td sy ke kebun bersame umi n abah.
tgk kambingggg :)
tp ade 2-3 ekor yg manjaa dea esktrem skit.
sy mula2 takut gak.
tp bile umi pegang kambing cam pegang kucing,
sy trus excited. hehe ;p
ok fine, lepas ni na amek anak kambing buat pet.
mereka comeeeeel!
nmpak seekor ayam kiteorang tgk mengeram telur.
sy betul2 rase cam na kacaauuu je ayam tu.
eheh. tp tak jd. itu tidak bermoral ye kawan2. ;p
fiza suka mkn kat tanjg lumpur espc ana ikan bakar...peghh sedap sgt..nak sgt jmpa fatin kt kuantan huhu
ReplyDeletebestnya! tapi u berani pegang kambing kan. hihi :)
ReplyDeleteweee.suke mkn ikan bkr kat tanjung lumpur :D
ReplyDeletesy stay kt tg lumpur..mmg bez mkn kt c2..tp xsalu pown gie mkn..hehehe..
ReplyDeletehit me back.. :)
walaupun i ni ex UMP tp xpernah lagi sampai kat UMP kampus pekan cuz study kat UMP kampus gambang. tingin sangat nak tengok kampus pekan :)