Essenserians alert!

Assalamualaikum and hi :)

seperti yang sedia maklum, i am currently using Essenseri skincare. dah lama pakai dan hasilnya memang memuaskan hati. sebabnyaa.. orang malas macam sy tak suka pakai banyak2 barang. hehe. cukup dengan 2 barang, lengkap dengan seluruh penjagaan muka. which is only facial cleanser and serum mist. tak tahu lah kalau ada orang nak yang sikit lagi, but i think.. this is really practical. 

dannnn yang paling pentinggg, sekarang ni ada 50% off! faham tak terlalu murah sebab kalau dah tolak 50% tu.. kos untuk beli 2 barang essenseri is below RM30! sangat rugi kalau tak cuba.. because u'll love the product. masa ni lah nak cuba kan sebab harga murah. hehe.

but please take note ya kawan2..  if you want to get 50% off, please buy directly from their HQ either call 03-56241195 or just pm at Essenseri's facebook.  kalau nak info yang lebih details pun boleh check fb Essenseri, they will assist you :)

ok done with 50% off itu.. skang nak cite pasal another thing pasal Essenseri pulak okay.  right now Essenseri ada buat contest di instagram mereka which is called, "Me & My Essenseri". the contest is really simple! what you have to do is just upload your picture with Essenseri product in most creative pose. then tag or hashtag ig essenseri, @essenseri or #essenseri. or else buat penat je korang pose sepenuh hati tapi pihak Essenseri tak dapat trace gambar korang. wuuu.

ai bagi contoh gambar ai ok. ni contoh je tau! ahah.

feelin2 ayu dan behind the scene sangat tema nye. hihi.
korang boleh buat se-creative mungkin! maybe boleh buat in black n white, ada org ambil gambar u dari cermin masa u tgh cuci muka guna product essenseri, or ala2 model ke, anything! sebabnya.. kalau korang menang.. u'll get this! :
Fuschia Color Block Duffle from Coach :')
bestnye upload gambar dekat ig, untung2 boleh dapat beg coach. kulit cantik pakai essenseri, beg cantik Essenseri bagi. woahh, ala2 pantun dah. hehe! contest bermula hari ini sehingga 25/6/2013. masa sebulan dah, so make sure tangkap gambar lawa2 okay?

good luck korang! :D


  1. Salam,

    Wow that's a really nice bag!

    Essenseri can also be purchased via online on special discounts here at Facebook: Teraju Sari Beauty.

    More info and to order WA/SMS 013-3592675 or email to

    For product updates and special offers, follow us on
    Instagram: terajusaribeauty
    Twitter: @TSariBeauty

    Thank you. Have a great day!

    Teraju Sari Beauty
    WA/SMS 013-3592675

  2. wah, 50 percent off...kena beli nih..hehe

  3. Coach is always my favorite and nice colors as well..

  4. erm, 50% discount...mmg murah sgt2 r...
    gudluck Fatin =)

    ~Admin : QasehMuslimah-Munirah~


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