because i choose Love,Bonito.

Assalamualaikum and hi :)
I’ve been wearing quite a number of outfits from the Love, Bonito brand these few weeks. Love, Bonito, based in Singapore, has made shopping overseas more affordable because they are currently running a free shipping promotion to Malaysia (that's the main point actually hewhewhew)! Ecewah gittew statement konon paris hilton. haih.

Anyways, their website is very user-friendly and it was very easy for me to shop and make my purchases. Very important feature for any website. Thank you Love, Bonito, for understanding my needs.

Many of the items that I bought from Love, Bonito was a 'first' for me. I bought my first knitted top, my first white skirt and my first abstract printed chiffon skirt. In all honesty, it's superb! I kept wearing the pieces again and again because it’s so comfortable and.. hmm. I guess it is simply because I love the designs too. They kept it simple :)

Let me show you some of the items I bought:

sleevesless dress yg bermotifkan tribal. full lining tu best!
to die for maxi dress dengan statement design at the front. elegant dan nampak cantik :')

glittery me shirt. sumpah yang ni selesaa

bila rasa ayu, harus pakai skirt ni. selesa sangat. hmm. sume baju lovebonito pun selesa sebenarnya. huhu

favourite skirt of all timee! corak dia terbaik!

cardigan yang ada stripes hitam. baru nampak ganas. so in love with this cardi :')


so if you're interested to purchase their product, make sure you go to their website and use code : FREESHIPMSIA to get free shipping! cepat pegi beli sebelum sold out. fyi, barang mereka mmg cepat sold out. jadi kene jadi antara yang terawal beli supaya rasa lebih ohsems.

ok taknak banyak cakap dah. beli dan rasakan best nye produk love, bonito ni. if u're looking for quality, then this is the right one for you :)

Ikuti Love, Bonito kat Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for update terbaru as they update weekly and like myself, you don’t wanna miss out on their latest designs before it’s sold out!

take care people!


  1. u tanpa make up memang nampak cantik. so len kali..tayah wear make up banyak2 eyh? hehee. this.

    1. ehe.. kalau pegi event je makeup. tu pun orang makeup kan sbb tak berapa pandai makeup. btw thanks Alhamdulillah

  2. Replies
    1. ye ke.. kite segan tapi saje nak konon2 ootd katenyeee. hehe!

  3. Okay, kak fatin sangat cantik. Can you please some tips to be more fashionable for muslimah? :)

    1. alamak.. i wish i could give you good tips. hmm. guess u just have to be confident with what u wear n make sure it is not too much. less is more :)

    2. Oh yeah :) thankyouuu so much akak cantik. anyway , saya orang kuantan tau. ceh. tetibe bangga. this is darul makmurr :D

  4. Omg . gambar last tu sgt ohsem okayy . Kalah Shila Amzah . :D

    1. time kasihh.. tapi malunya ya Allah rupanya nak amik gambar ala2 ootd ni sebenarnya. lepas amik gambar cepat2 suh adik masuk kete. haha ;p

  5. Serius kak fatin cantik sgt! Suka pic last tu :)

  6. cantik, elegant semua ada, its suits you well..

  7. cantik la u fatin.. klw posing mmg menjadi. photoghenic abes...

    1. ehemmm.. sebenarnya.. angle je wak.. ade je yg nampak mcm penguin sbb sy ni rendah je orangnya. ahah :)

  8. pose yang last itu lawa okay ! :D

  9. salam fatin, nak tanye macam mane nak wat payment kalo kite takde paypal and nak gune debit kad mcm m2u?


    1. boleh saja.. check kat mana2 website yg farah wish nak beli produk dari mereka.. then ada steps using maybank2u :)

  10. skirt yang gambar last tu cantekkk..!! beli kat mane? boleh share? :)


    1. thanks! tu kite punye online shop.. tp dah sold out..

    2. owh yeke..cantek la..suke cutting dia..nti restock lagi x.. :)

  11. wow...its good to see that you've learnt to appreciate commenters by replying to their comments... thanks to your hater who taught you that.thank me.

    1. ehe.. thank you! but then.. i guess u don't really check my blogpost.. since if u see the comment, when i replied i always replied to that person personally. dah lama lah awak. awak je yg negatif sangat. tak baik tau sentiasa berburuk sangka ni :)

  12. salam,sis mahal x????kat mn nak cr 2...cantik...class sgt hihii

    1. kannnnn.. ahaha.. sile ke lovebonito awaknya :)

    2. fatin,dah try ke website mcm mn nak bt pmbayaran sb dier pakai SD...N sy xder ader cimb clicks jer....tq....

  13. nice outfits! kak fatin u look very gorgeous =)

  14. Sgt2 cntik pic yg last 2 fatin..ske tgk gye cm2..

  15. hi babe thanks for sharing!!! semua clothing diorang sweet & nice sangat2!! FYI, I pun dah order.. but I try beli satu dulu.. hehe btw payment tu masa order sampai ke? #asap

  16. hi babe thanks for sharing!! FYI, I baru je order cardigan.. hehe excited nak dapat.. btw payment masa order sampai ke? #asap

  17. mcm mana nak buat payment kat dorg eh?

  18. saya ada jugak cuba buat pose macam gambar last tu, serius tak menjadi. haha. pandai Fatin gayakan


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