i want to know you. can i?

assalamualaikum ;)

awak2. i had a good day today!
pergi ke putrajaya dgn housie, fatin fasihah.
n dea pun shoot skali.
cantik ;)

theme kali ni natural beauty.
so mmg tidak bermekap lah kami.
*ok sy pkai lense dan juge eyeliner ;p
photographer nye adelah wan zulfadli.
kenal dea semasa shoot utk butik pengantin kak JJ harituh.
he's a very kind guy. seriously.
so kpd sape2 na shoot, boleh search wan zulfadli di fb yea ;)

hasil nya :

awak2. sy ade request ni.

1) kepada siapa2 yg baca blog sy dan mmg follow blog ni.
tetapi bukan rakan sy di fb atau sy telah ignore, silelah
tinggalkan comment di entry ini name fb anda.
sesungguhnya sy mmg kuraaaang dalam approve orang.
kalau dalam 30 friend request, sy akan approve 5-8 org shj.
makanya, do let me know. who u are. n i should know u better ;)

2) readers dari indonesia, uk, us, japan, korea, india, new zealand,
russian federation, czech republic, ireland, egypt, australia..
siapakah gerangan anda?
i'm eager to know.
let me? ;)

till then guys..


  1. gambar lawa seriously...and i luv ur high heel tu la fatin...

  2. sy ade kt sni jugakkk. sbb...manesssss amaattt !. ailebiyuyuuuuu...:')

  3. gojesnye kamoo...and for sure u have natural beauty..=D

  4. hye..cantik dan sesuai tema ni dgn kamu...btw name fb sy, saipool zameer

  5. nazlina : thanx nazlina ;) heels tuh mmg lawa, tp sakit na pkai. tinggi sgt. uhu.

    gulagulakapas : ehehehe.. alala.. tuweeeet laaa! heee.

    syafiqah : biasa saja..alhamdulillah ;)

  6. pepol : thanx ye pepol. ahah. alryte!

  7. lagi sesuai, si budak kecik. hihi ;)

  8. fatin, ika reader from indonesia! kekeke :) pdhal fatin dah knal kot, mcm x perlu je introduce dri lg. haishhh tatau malu tol ika neh :P btw dua2 fatin pun cantik :)

  9. ika : ika! heee. takpe2. fatin mmg na tauuu. yeay, yeay! da tau sorang dari indo. excited niii;)) thanx tau ikaaa. wink2.

    ain : alhamdulillah.. cuma pinjaman dari Nya.. ;)

  10. hey..im from egypt....ske tgk pic lawa2...sgt jeles....x pandaila nak buat camtuh..:D

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. cantiknya akk ! look natural (: btw , thnx kak , follow wani kt blog :)

  13. im reader from jb..haha tak tanye pon nk bitau...heee...tapi dah approve dah fren request kite..tq..

    cantik nye gambar2 sume...

  14. do approve mine :)

    FB: Annyss Zaharuddin

  15. sy follow jgp
    fb xde pape pum (Stila Shaari)
    saje suke tgk ur stlye n fashion
    ade iras2 datin juma...:p

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. wahh..natural beauty..

    memang cantek ;D

    FB : puteri iqa izyan

  18. silent reader~
    harapan merubah masyarakat..insyaallah
    chipsmore nomore

  19. tak mekap pun cantik la fatin ni.

  20. Salam.Hi fatin! :)
    sy pn ade add awk di fb,
    btw nice pics of urs.love it

  21. cantik! :) saya pernah friend dgn fatin kat fb. tp maybe fatin filter kwn fb. da di delete :P

  22. sawngat cantikk..!! love all ur photos..
    btw,my fb is Nadya Ajhman.. =)

  23. aha manehh. lps di buat di tasek pulak yer ;)

  24. Fatin gorgeous! Im your reader from Aussie. Jemputlah ke blog saya ^_^

  25. Alhamdulillah..nasib baik akk yg buat request..
    nme FB sy Nabihah Ramli

  26. nur : hye nur! thanx for reading my blog yea;) uh.. sy jnis mix n match baju saja.. ta tgk sgt trend2 cemtuh.. takut jadi over. ahah.

    anis : org da add awak tau. sile approve. hee.

    wani : dah follow wani!

    hidayah : ahah.. thanx dayah ;)

    hanan : hanaannnn! ahaha.. saje je kannn. hihi. ;)

    annyss : done wak ;)

    zela : ahah.. sy da add. approve boley? ;) datin juma? alahai, she's way prettier than me;)

    iqa : thanx iqa.. org da add tau!

    abir : ahah.. apekah name fb anda abir?

    chipsmore : Insya-Allah.. thanx ;)

    Osh!Nz : biasa saja..;)

    hanae : thanx.. sy hanya meminjam dariNya ;)

    mr feckry : mostly pic sume kat masjid besi, putrajaya. so ta nmpak sgt pemandangan nye..

    deyana : kite da kawan kt fb! yeay! ehe.

    eesyaheera : alaaaaa. ye ke! sorry2! bole tau name awk kt fb smule. ades. sorry ;(

    nadya : suda add!

    saliha : ahaha. tasik? ok2. akan ku letak dlm list ;p

    izatie : thanx izatie! ok i will ;))

    nabihah : alryte. suda kawan ;)

  27. saya readers blog ni
    ni fb saya

  28. sys fatin,, serios lawa sgt2.. adik follow ea... nyway,, adik nyer fb is Itah ReIta... adik add sys yea (!). adik nk request sys ajr leh x?? c0z adik still bru lam dnia blogging ni,, leh sys?? t sys tlg touch up an... hee~

  29. hyee gojes aa kamoo..
    leh jadik model saye gak neyh annn hehe

  30. sy pun add juga...syamimi fatin :)

  31. AbirAbhar HotKot

    pemilik blog Super DUper Hot

    Cik Fatin Suhana yang baik hati dan cantik lagi comel, cekkiddaud lah k

  32. hye kak fatin.suka style akak..
    saya da add..approve ye..

    fb: haswani samilan.mutual friend dgn adiela redzuan

    akak,folo blog saya juga eh...

    tengs akak.. =)

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. ye..pnjaman dari - Nya :')
    sis na add fb ain ta ?
    P asenye ain da add sis, cme ta app ag kot..
    jln2 la kat belog kte ea sis ;)

  35. I dunno what to say lahh sis Phatyn oii..Gorgeous nye....!!!=D

  36. fatin chomel:
    add me @ fb : Alkisah Ed
    follow : http://saedramadhan.blogspot.com/

    U all commentators pun boleh add/follow if u like..

  37. fatin! kite dari indonesia!! (: heee :D
    fatin ngn housie sgt canteeeeeek! (:
    perfect combination :D

  38. Salam hi fatin=) I'm Bruneian currently studying in Reading, UK (^^,) All the best in everything yea??

    p.s. loving ur photoshoot, simply gorgeous;)

  39. Salam ziarah fatin..nice to know you..=)
    Suka mengikuti perkembangan fatin..hopefully, fatin add kta kat fb : Nur Wangi..thanks..and all the best on what u do~

  40. hi fatin suhana..aka che wan

    my FB:erma fatiha

    lama dah add friend,tp xaprove,,,,,,,,wuwuuwuwwu

    actually I am in ibnu khaldun class in SBPIK if u are still remembering..Wan Naim's friend

  41. patOt la da lame add, tp tak appruv2. eheh. sis cantek ! btw, Fb sye Fara Latif :)

  42. slalu follow ur entry cik Fatin,,
    tp tak pernah add fB cik Fatin sbb cik Yana respect ur rite,,
    cik Yana pun x approve strangers,,
    asalkan dpt follow up ur blog, dats enough for me,,
    rajin2 la update belog ye :)
    btw, cik Fatin buat la fanpage kt fB,,
    kat sane nnti sape nak like, like je,,
    sambil2 update status kt personal fB, bley update kt fanpage jugak,,
    just a suggestion :)

  43. heee. no biggie la fatin :P meh kite add awak. nama kita syaheera young rockie :) approve taw

  44. Hi..nice to know u...
    How about if u're asking other people to approve ur request..keep on msging to someone's inbox...I mean to know someone better?Haha...so desperate girl.Look like u really need someone attention...haha.poor u...enjoy ur life with ur partner ok?All the best in ur life!Take care!

  45. thank you guys ;))

    smile : i think u've got the wrong idea ;). people ask me to add them, because i don't approve people easily. at least, if i know they're my readers, i can read theirs too. so, that's y i ask them to give their name so that i can add them. bukan kah mudah begitu? n about, keep on messaging to someone inbox, i NEVER did that. or did u? alahai. oh. sorry, i get it. u're the one who wants the attention. ok2, my bad sebab tak perasan td. takpe, u've got my attention. hehe. ok la. thanks for reading. take care to u too !

  46. Haha..yeah...maybe i want to get ur attention...but,i'm straight.not lesbo bebeh.for what ha? i mean..just str8 to the point..my advise is..don't be so desperate to get someone attention ok...keep on faith with ur partner..appreaciate him...jgn tamak..xelok amik org lain punya..got it?thnx for ur respond... and ur justification..haha siap tulis caps...whateva...take care! :)

  47. did i do something wrong? i do love him and only him. n tak terfikir pun nak ambil orang lain punya. alhamdulillah.. it's been almost 7 years together, n yet. i still want him more and more. n hopefully he'll be the one i'll married with. Insya-Allah.

    but. kenapa tiba2 ckp pasal jgn tamak dan xelok amik org lain punya? hummph.

  48. to fatin : jangan layan mnde2 merepek neyh..dowg sume dengki n memiliki hati yg tidak berapa baik (ayt bahasa melayu yg betul ye), just enjoy ur life ok..pesanan : k.ema & a.wan..:)

  49. kak ema n abg wan : thanks a lot! ntah la org mane yg ckp mcm tu kan. maybe tgh bosan, so dea just random buat cerita. heh. thanks again, i'm much better now ;))

  50. fatin. saya ada add awak rasanya, tapi belom di approve. zulaikha zulkifli. btw am ur follower. hihi. <3

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. me too!!bru add...nice to b ur friend...
    Fb : farah Pinky

  54. saya.saya..chenta ruffika..saya dah add awak dah dlm fb..

  55. kamoo sgt cantik....=D
    nama fb sy..nananadya....

  56. hye fatin...
    fatin dh approve request saya dulu di fb..thanks tau..
    btw am ur follower now...

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. salam.. akk saya baru jia jd follower akk kt blog.. td saya dh add akk nama FB saya 'Song Hye Kyo'...
    suka tgk akk,... style akk pakai shawl look nice... :)

  59. Salam...
    i'm silent reader ur blog nk add kt FB blh ker..
    suke baca blog fatin..

  60. SALAM...
    hai fatin..terlewat rasenye comment di sini..
    sy zue..fb Zue Sz..sy kawan Wan Zul..byak kali jgak add awk kt fb..tp x approve..hehe..tp xpe lah...pe p0n..sy sgt suke tgk gmb awk n bc blog awk ni...wish u gud luck n never give up...:)

  61. salam hi sis.ya Allah,cantiknye sis.cantik sangat!!! >.<baru follow ur blog ni and baru add sis dlm fb.boleh x kalau sis approve kite?hee~

    name fb nur izzati aqilah (lokman hakim)

    btw,bestnye dpt jdi model =)


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