it's not about fashion, it's about choosing the right one to follow.
i am glad that today i've got the chance to take myself to borders
and have some good reading materials while having my
caramel macchiato frappucino. i had my interview today at
Simplysiti, mid valley for my internship and Alhamdulillah, i got the offer.
they might send me to Indonesia for some days so i can get the idea
of having business international, plus they want to market their product there.
but still, i don't know which one to choose since i also had an offer from
Petronas Dagangan Kuantan. we'll see then :)
anyways, have you ever thought about how was the fashion back then?
most of them covers the aurat. even western countries applied this.
long, loose and thick dresses were once worn by high class people in the past.
short, almost visible dresses were once worn by the slaves.
it shows the hierarchy on which level you belong to.
the past :
i am glad that today i've got the chance to take myself to borders
and have some good reading materials while having my
caramel macchiato frappucino. i had my interview today at
Simplysiti, mid valley for my internship and Alhamdulillah, i got the offer.
they might send me to Indonesia for some days so i can get the idea
of having business international, plus they want to market their product there.
but still, i don't know which one to choose since i also had an offer from
Petronas Dagangan Kuantan. we'll see then :)
anyways, have you ever thought about how was the fashion back then?
most of them covers the aurat. even western countries applied this.
long, loose and thick dresses were once worn by high class people in the past.
short, almost visible dresses were once worn by the slaves.
it shows the hierarchy on which level you belong to.
the past :

yeah, makin Lama fashion makin singkat puLak...but i think nowadays ramai yang macam dah kene smash baLik and ramai yang dah sedar...cover up the aurat bukan penghaLang nak fashion segaLa right ?? hijab fashionistas dah bersepah sekarang =)
ReplyDeleteahaha.. agak la. kalau nak diikutkan, mmg makin lama makin ramai yg bertudung. it's a good thing you know! tp the way we dress pun kene tgk jugak, aurat is not only about covering the body. material kain, etc pun kene tgk jugak. anyways, ni reminder utk sy jugak. so sama2lah kite :)
Deletecelik fesyen sampai buta agama..
ReplyDeleteeducate them then :)
DeleteIt's true. And I think the fashion back then must be applied to the current time. Those dresses were so pretty and as you said covers the aurat :) How I wish someone would come up with new ideas on fashion that was inspired by the past. In that way, people nowadays can actually covers the aurat completely ;)
ReplyDeleteLoving your style kak fatin :)
kannn. i feel sorry to myself coz i didn't give a proper way to wear the clothes before this. must always, always try to dress decently :) Insya-Allah, there will be :)
Deletehee. thank you!
ape2 pun sy suka fashionista cm fatin laaa. omaii
ReplyDeletealahai.. sy pun byk lagi kekurangannya amirahh. huhu
DeleteGood thoughts fatin.
ReplyDeletethanks fie :)
Deletesalam. dijmput tuan blog join contest (klu sudi le..huhu)
hadiah menarik!
salam rase fashion2 mereka still xikut ape yg Islam suruh.. Islam asked us to cover our aurat not to 'balut' our aurat..& salah 1 req die mesti xmenampakkan bentuk badan.byk sgt fashion skrg yg mcm looks normal & 'xsalah' but it is wrong act. n nowadays pemakaian tudung labuh menutup dada & stoking sangat2 jarang. but its part of our aurat act. just my opinion. sorie if got any misunderstanding ^^
ReplyDeletesalam ida. mostly, mmg still ramai yang half-half. tak perlu pergi jauh, sy rasa sy pun mcm tu :(. tp itulah.. should always remind myself. n it's very kind of you to advise others. saling mengingati sesama kita. thank you :)
Deleteyup , thats right its not only about the fashion.. but nowdays.. all girl wearing hijab , cover the aurat but still not enough dear.. wat is inside their heart... wat the reason they wear the hijab , are they sincere? or they just follow the fashion?
ReplyDeletenow you can see , wearing hijab just like a style.. the way they wear the hijab , the cloth they wear.. still its all about fashion..
tertutup tp msih nampak... know wat i mean?
being a model muslimah , still you show off your aurat even you wear muslimah dress.. the way you pose , to get effect slim or etc , wearing heavy make up... even you wear baju kurung , I as a woman still can see your shape of body.... isnt that 1 of our aurat..?
you know tabaruj dear?
Berpakaian yang boleh menarik perhatian (walaupun tanpa membuka aurat) adalah Tabarruj dan ini adalah dilarang. Berpakaian dengan cara yang membuka aurat adalah sama sekali dilarang, tidak kira samada ia menarik perhatian ataupun tidak. Sudah semestinya membuka aurat adalah sesuatu yang dilarang.
Even you pki jubah but ade byk perhiasan yg blh menarik perhatian also called tabaruj sayang..
Fatin , you are beautiful.. it a waste to show off your beauty to someone that not have the right.. I believe not only girl that adore your beauty.....
thank you for commenting on this post. i know, being in the modelling area there is soo much things that is not right. it's not only the clothes or makeup, but other things too. i'm going to slow down in order to stop from modelling activities. pray for me so that i can be strong to resist all the fun that i might get.
DeleteInsya-Allah, n thank you for the advise :)
salam.hai kak fatin.anis pun setuju dengan pendapat akak kat entry ni.sebenarnya bila kita bertudung kita pun kena fikirkan juga adakah pemakaian tudung kita mengikut apa yang diwajibkan..sebab sekarang ni ramai yang pakai tudung atau berfesyen tetapi ketat dan sendat la pula..apa-apa pun orang seperti kak fatin yang mungkin bergelar public figure boleh membantu mereka2 ni untuk sedar dan kak fatin mungkin boleh jadi idola yang baik :)
ReplyDeletelastly , sis u alwayz beautiful :)
InsyaAllah fatin..just slow down and you can stop from those activities. ;)
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah kalau fatin dah sedar.sebab memang banyak disadvantage, i.e: mendedahkan aurat kepada golongan yang tidak berhak melihat, muncul fakers guna pic2 fatin sebab terlalu exposed in the end fatin yang emo sebab curi pic2 fatin, jadi riak,ujub..and so on. mungkin fatin tak sedar,tak realize, bila upload pic banyak-banyak, bohonglah kalau tak rasa bangga bila orang komen,kan??
lagi satu, kalau upload pic, dengan harapan orang akan puji,itu lah namanya 'samaah'. itu lah adik beradik sifat-sifat takabur, ujub, riak dan samaah.jauhilah dari sifat-sifat itu.
memang biasalah gadis awal 20an. semua benda nak cuba. modelling la.itu ini.sebab nak seronok.bila seronok, jadi alpa/lagha. bila alpa/lagha,datang musibah,baru lah nak ingat Allah SWT. sebelum tuh tak ingat. sebab TERLALU IKUT HAWA NAFSU. nak pakai baju cantik-cantik,tudung cantik-cantik, nak jadi cover girl, nak jadi artis, nak jadi famous....tapi mudah sangat lupa niat. niat asal menjadi khalifahNya. mendapatkan keredhaanNya. ikhlas melakukan segala amalan ibadah.
mintak maaf la banyak pulak tulis. cuma mahu bertanya, apa perasaan fatin ye,bila dah jadi terkenal?what did you get?kepuasan?puas sebab dikenali?dapat jadi trendsetter? kembalilah kepada matlamat. matlamat/niat tak menghalalkan cara.
apa-apa pun, Alhamdulillah, akhirnya, fatin sedar. mohon maaf andai terkasar bahasa.cuma sekadar mahu mengingati sesama ummah.
yang baik itu dari Allah SWT, yang buruk itu dari hambaNya.