

hmm. macam2.

zaman sekarang fakers pun dah berani ugut.
ah takpelah, Allah ade.
biar Dia je yang balas.


  1. okay. serious lucu okay. sabar tau yangg.

  2. ade jugak yg cmni? sy pnh jugak guna pic fatin, p bukan DP la. letak lam blog. how i adore ur style. ni gila apa letak DP? btw, chill ya?

  3. tak mkan saman laa..tegar tol..^,^

  4. maybe die nak friend ngan u kat fb then x dpt..itu pasal jd mcm ni :)

  5. uhukkk. macam macam. tapi tapeee ALLAH kan ada :'D

  6. Sabar... Org cantik memang byk gangguan dan fitnah...byk2kan berdoa dan semoga dilindungi oleh Nya

  7. haihh..orang mcm ni pon ade ke FS? alahai...kalau fakers tu fakers jugak...pelik2 mereka nie...sgt geli hati...hehehee....

  8. boleh pula paksa2 org cm tu..fakers2..:)

  9. gaye die ni mcm laki je bkn perempuan

  10. lawak lah fakers tu...ada plak dia ugut balik..

  11. errkk, sengal gila manusia tuh. sabar ye sis :)

  12. hahahaha..memang lawak.da curi picture orang tapi boleh mara tuan punya gamba lagi..kamu kene tukar profile picture yang lebih jelas kot baru dia nampak yang dia tuh curi picture Fatin Suhana.haha. And then dan2 je tukar gamba lain plak kaaannn..kesian mangsa yang seterusnya tuh ;)

  13. sgtla funny bila siap mngaku tu gambar dye .adoii ...apa sengal la ..che wannnn ,sabooo yerppp !!!!

  14. kak fatin kan cantik, mesti dea suka kak fatin ,, hehehe ..

  15. just pesanan..fkir dlm2 blik..rmi bloggers prmpuan yg mrh2 psl fakers sbb utama diorg dijadikan tatapan umum..bkn ke kcntikan prmpuan tu untuk sang suami?pokok xkn bgoyang klo angin xbtiup..sry just a rminder for me too..-peace:)

  16. cdangan utk akak lps ni, DP tu smua lps ni letak watermark or nama.. biar org xleh curik.. just my 2 cents :)

  17. I read it over and over again, still cannot find any threating words. So bila yg fakers tu ugut nya? Btw ur blog suck and tak mmberi apa2 ilmiah langsung. Write to give knowledge to others, otherwise its useless and waste of time for people to read it. U may be beautiful, but i afraid the same thing cannot be said about ur brain. Ur blog is just like typical malay girl blog. Sigh*

    Go read more, it will widen ur knowledge, and it will make u more mature.

  18. ntah pape lah diorang ni kan paten..aduhai......pelik betul...

  19. knp perlu bergaduh sayanggg....hnye pic..semua hak Nya..

  20. bodhh punya orangg...gmbr org brani ugut2..gram je baca..

  21. Cian kmu kakak cantek... org gtu xblh bgi muka tkut2 nnt bla add lg la truk ..n...tah apa lg dia lakukan... just sabar ja la ya kakak cantik

  22. whatever pun, org mcm tu sebenarnya tak perlu dilayan sgt sebenarnya. nanti mengundang kemarahan yang tak pasal. ahah.

    hmm, agree with u. i need to minimize the pictures uploaded here. thanks sbb bg nasihat :)

    still can't find? takpelah, different people have different ways of interpret it. no worries. if my blog tak berilmiah, takde lah pulak sy letak recipe ke, tutorial ke, self motivation ke kan. but it's okay, as i said before, diff people have diff ways of seeing things. what u should do now, don't read my blog. end of story :)

  23. waterrrrrpark !!! dunia oh dunia..

  24. dear fatin..
    orang yang jadik faker tu sebenarnye adalah seeker attention..a loser sebenarnye..whatever it is..a loser will always a loser and dia mmg tak tahu nak guna otak.. educated one like you tak perlu nak layan a loser mcm tu..sabar k dear

    dear anonymous..

    "Btw ur blog suck and tak mmberi apa2 ilmiah langsung. Write to give knowledge to others, otherwise its useless and waste of time for people to read it. U may be beautiful, but i afraid the same thing cannot be said about ur brain. Ur blog is just like typical malay girl blog. Sigh*Go read more, it will widen ur knowledge, and it will make u more mature."

    if u think that this blog sucks or whatever..back off..there is no rule that u have to read it..if u nak blog yang ilmiah sgt..find other blog or watch national it baby??

    who are you to judge people about their brain and their maturity..hello..this is juz a blog tak perlu kot nak tunjuk kite ni pandai and mature sgt..nanti kata show off lak..
    so..ano..get a life!!1

  25. Ish , tak malu la org tu . Sorry la cakap kasar tapi memang ni je ayat yg sesuai ! Kak Fatin , sabar k !(:

  26. Di Indonesia,, sudah banyak kasus seprti itu fatin. Banyak fakers yang memakai pict kita untuk PP di facebook, Twitter even on Blog...

    Akupun juga pernah mengalaminya..tapi selama orang itu tidak macam2 (berbuat hal yg buruk) kepada kita, tak apalah...Mungkin orang itu hanya mengagumi kita

    sabar yaa :)

  27. anonymous di atas juga funny.... sama funny dgn pentipu itu.... boleh geng ah...

  28. panas2...
    jgn dilayan sgt pentipu2 tu 'cause they crave 4 attention. xde life kot?


  30. ish takde pulak button like utk komen akak nurulbadiah ni.nak tekan byk2.hehe..

    kak fatin chill ok :)

  31. Wuwuwuw. Ada fakers? WHOAAA. Tak guna punya fakers. nak ambik perhatian orang awam pulak. Hahaha. Banyakkan bersabar ek akk. Setiap perkara yag berlaku mesti ada hikmat disebaliknya :')

    kepada anonymous....
    I read it over and over again, still cannot find any threating words. So bila yg fakers tu ugut nya? Btw ur blog suck and tak mmberi apa2 ilmiah langsung. Write to give knowledge to others, otherwise its useless and waste of time for people to read it. U may be beautiful, but i afraid the same thing cannot be said about ur brain. Ur blog is just like typical malay girl blog. Sigh*

    Go read more, it will widen ur knowledge, and it will make u more mature.

    - If you think blog sis Fatin ni buruk ke tak beri apa-apa ilmiah langsung ke apa ke, baik tak payah baca/singgah blog ni. Kalau sesuatu blog nak buat ikut citarasa semua pihak, boleh lingkup blog ni. 'Setengah amik ikut citarasa kau, setengah ikut citarasa kau pulak, mana bahagian aku?' LOL. See, ada blog digunakan untuk menceritakan tentang hal peribadi. If anonymous did'nt like it, dont come here again. KAK Fatin punya blog, Kak Fatin punya cerita ok? :O

    HIHI. Bye, assalamualaikum.
    Twitter @FaqihahHusni

  32. assalammualaikum kak fatin..saba je la dgn prgai org mcm 2..yg pasti org knal akak yg sebenar..saba la akak fatin :)

  33. sabar ye kak..owg mcm 2 mmng xleh pakai..ppe p0wn akk ttp akk..2 realiti..k

  34. beraninya faker sabar kak fatin. yg penting,you are yourself :)

  35. issskk..sian adik akak ni..sabar byk2 tau..

    kepada pentipu tuh..
    takyah lah buang masa jadi fakers. tak de faedah pun.

    kepada anon January 8, 2012 7:02 AM ..
    do you think you're good enough?
    nobody's perfect. ;)

    p/s: agree dgn 1st anon.i think you need to minimize ur pics uploaded.and same goes to your fb profile too..make some albums private..i think that would help a lil bit. ;)

  36. anonymous , you are actually a loser . komen dengan nama anonymous . malu kot . gaya you cakap macam orang yang tade life je . sorry that my word is getting harsh . semua ade limitation .

    to kak tin , sabar je la . betul , diff people , diff view . let allah judge :)

  37. just pesanan..fkir dlm2 blik..rmi bloggers prmpuan yg mrh2 psl fakers sbb utama diorg dijadikan tatapan umum..bkn ke kcntikan prmpuan tu untuk sang suami?pokok xkn bgoyang klo angin xbtiup..sry just a rminder for me too..-peace:)

    setuju dgn 1st anon :)

  38. bodo & kurang ajar..u fatin sgt baik & cute, fakers ni bagi langgar dengan kereta je, tercungap2 nk untung guna org lain..menyampah tgk org jual tudung tp letak model free2..makan pandai pulak pilih halal haram, business pun buat la mcm org ada agama

    * i pakai anonymous psl xde google acc nk login plus x sabar lepas gram kt antu fakers..peace off

  39. kak fatin!!kite ltx link blog akk at sla stu post blog kite taw..

  40. setuju dgn nurul badiah lai.


  41. hui...tkut la mcm ni..macam2 la skrg ni...

  42. at last, kite tak heran pulak dgn pentipu but dgn anon. juz becoz i-dont-know-who-r-u.. sedap2 pulak lepas amarah dgn psiko. well. agree with nurul badiah. kalau tak suka.back off. sng je.

    anon- jgn jadi pengecut. baling batu sembunyi tangan. kalau ilmiah adalah fokus. beli ensiklopedia. baca kt rumah least fatin dan the other bloggers done well with their own life. tak kacau org. haih.

    fatin suhana. i pray for u.


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