
finally, i've changed my layout!
it's been quite some time since i've changed the previous layout.
will do some more 'renovation' later. tehee.
let me know what's your idea or suggestion,
who knows, i'll put it in my blog :)
till then, take care people!
header tu,ehem :)
ReplyDeleteehe. ok tak? ;p
Deletedear, i think side column kecik sikit ok, then besarkan colomn entry ni :)
ReplyDeletedone with the column dear! thank youu :)
Deleterupa baru yg simple tp btl2 new n fresh..hehe..
ReplyDeletehee. thank you. dulu kan takde header n simple yg teramat sgt. so yg ni kene jugak letak header. ;p
Deleteloooove it !
ReplyDeleteyeay! thank you!
DeleteWaalaikum salam..
ReplyDeletenice layout FS! redup je mata nak baca your N3..
*seb bek bukan hitam* huhhu~
glad that u like it! terima kasihhhh
Deletewooaaahh..awesome header.ermm..
ReplyDeleteagree with Anis Adila Aris =D
done with the column! thank youu :)
Deletecomel. ^^
ReplyDeletecomey cam tuan belog ni tak? hehe! ;p
Deletesomeiiiiiiiii ngat aih ^^
ReplyDeletetime kasihh :)
Deletecomell :D
ReplyDeletetenkiuuu. eheh :)
Deletekalau boleh besarkan column entry, gelapkan lagi warna font (muja rabun), unable kan word verification jugak.,, kih3.. tapi,, mmang blog ni awesome! :D
ReplyDeletekite dah besarkan sikit column tgh ni. ok tak? huhu. thank youuu :)
Deleteblog cantik dh !owner pun semakin cantik dh ! hihi :)
ReplyDeletebeautiful!simple je :)
ReplyDeletesimple beauty :)
ReplyDeletephewittt! comel :)
ReplyDeletesimply nice !
ReplyDeletecantik2 :)
ReplyDeleteWOW!!awesome...layout paling cantik sepanjang saya berblog...sejuk mata...sweet & no colourful...^__^
ReplyDeletesimple but nice la kak fatin ! sesuai dengan penampilan akk :)
ReplyDeleteawesome header...
ReplyDeletelike it when akak wat tutorial pashmina in beautiful..thanks for the akak so awesome!!!!
ReplyDeletefatin cantik sangat :)
ReplyDeletewoah . gambar akak selalu gempak ! btw cantik layout !
ReplyDeletenice color..
ReplyDeletedear.. kalau minat beg longchamp akak ada jual terus dr uk.. harga bole runding..
fatinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!dalam byk2 gambar fatin..gambar yg kat banner ni memang all time favourite taw!*cewahhh so memang sesuai sangat jadi header!fullstop <3
waaa..canteknyee..dh tukar rumah baru..hehe..
ReplyDeletepic mantap..bbir seksi je..nk cumil cm kak fatin..^,^
i ferasan u suka letak pic ni la, i pun suka gile dgn shawl u yg ni, time i tengok tu kat entry tutorial messy shawl kot.
ReplyDeletethis color just nice..ok lor..
ReplyDeleteklasik & nice ^__^ hehe~
ReplyDeletehehe. baru looks matured sket! ^^
ReplyDeletefatin ni faker guna pic awak....
dear, cantik header u tp u dah kerap sngt pakai shawl ni.. nmpk mcm u x de shawl lain nk pakai.. mungkin tu shawl favourite u tp klau u pelbagai kn org x bosan sngt.. ape2 pun blog u mmg menarik.. recipe yg u post smua nmpk sedap.. keep it up girl :)
ReplyDeletecomel larr layout ~ suka
ReplyDeletenew layout ni awesome la !!
ReplyDeletesuka bce blog FS...;)
u go girl ... !
cantikkk.combinSi kaler die.
ReplyDeletedah cantik layout baru.. tak yah tuka layout lain laa.. :D
ReplyDeletecantik lagi2 tang mate tu yg mahal.. :D
ReplyDeleteSuka sangat2 layout baru ni
ReplyDeleteSalam alaikum, my beautiful sister :) I want to ask something but sorry, it doesn't deal with the topic, actually. Anyway, ok, what was your experience when you used the lens for the first time? I mean, about eyes tearing etc..And what is the colour & brand you use? I've never used any lens before and I asked in other site, but they didn't answer :) but published the comment..Hope you'll answer. Take care <3
ReplyDeletewassalam :) my first time wearing contact lens was a nightmare! hihi. i was in form 4 at that time and it's my brother's wedding. i can't wear it by myself and i asked my cousin to wear it for me.only 3 years after that, i can wear it by myself. sad, i know. but one thing for sure, u have to trust yourself and confident (confident that your fingers will not do any harm to your eyes while u put the lense. which is they not, but u know.. it's just the feeling that u MUST get rid of. aha). i'm using freshlook brand. n i only wear grey or sterling grey. my fave of all is sterling grey. it's a mixture of light blue n grey. but don't worry, it is not that obvious :)
DeleteHaha, that was really exciting moment I am sure :)...Thank you, pretty sister!:) I didn't think you would answer so fast. I disturb you again asking -where do you buy them. I ask you, because I thought it was natural and not harmful for eyes as I always see you in them, so you can give better advice as an expert :D .And my both eyes are (-2, eyesighting). BTW, they suit you pretty cool <3
DeleteOMG, I forgot to ask something again :D PLZ, sorry, How many months do you use them (30 days or 3 months or a year)?
Deletefreshlook only sells 1 months contact lense :)
DeleteErm..One last question: Do you wear them daily?
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