makeup tutorial? *sigh.

assalamualaikum :)

just finished with 2nd paper today.
i still have 4 more papers to go.
n next is on 30th.
i know, mmg takde gap langsung.

btw, wanna share with u guys on this
tutorial makeup. err.
rasenye bukanlah tutorial pun kot?
lebih kepada brg2 yg sy guna ntuk makeup
kalau kuar jalan2.
video ni dah lama buat tp tak upload2.
sebab. entah lah.
nampak kelakar kot?
aaaa. asal byk ckp kot neh.

ok lah, korang boleh tgk kat siniii :)
time kasih sudi tgk.
wink :)

sorry video neh byk kekurangan.
tp sbb ramai yg tanye sy gune produk
ape ntuk makeup.
so video ini adelah penyelesaiannya.
*walaupun makeup sy takde lah hebat pun,
dan sy tak pandai mekap. sob.

till then,
take care awak2 sume :)


  1. ups! sorry.. tersalah masuk blog pula.. hehe

    Entri terbaru:
    Apa Itu SPAM?

  2. cantik lah u make up! tak heavy and sweet je.. :)

  3. thanks! alahai.. takde la cantik mana pun.. ade je jerawat2 kecil. tssk. *ok tak pepasal. uhu.

  4. Cantik sangat fatin ! Looks natural :)

  5. simple..tpi nk dptkn sume brg2 kne ade bnyk duit..hehehe..kak fatin rugi x dpt blek kuantan,so x dpt pergi jom heboh..kalau pergi anis nk jmpe akk..duk stu shah alam x pernah terserempak ng ur style sis!=)

  6. kak fatin memang pandai mekap.chantek sgt!!! =)

  7. fatin, kte sbaya but i adore u..take cre then..nice 2 read ur blog..;)

  8. wah..cantikknye.siryes cantikk.saya takut nak touchup muka sendiri pakai banyak menda ni.akak makeupkan saya lah camni.

  9. baru la tau apsal org kata org pompuan lmbt siap..haha...nenek pkai bedak sejuk je..

  10. Fatin..nak tny..kt mne bole dpt " Banila co mineral suprise" tu ye? =p


  11. Suka teknik u applied eye shadow. I biase apply kat belah2 kanan kelopak mata je! ;)

    Pasni bole try cara you!
    Thanks for sharing

  12. cantik! kira cepat tu tau mekap dlm masa 13-14 minit. dahla cantik. :D
    thanks 4 sharing!

  13. cik faten tak pakai mekap pown manis sajer... jangan selalu sangat pakai mekap tau... suker muker cik faten yg ori (,")..

  14. fatin suhana, i really adore you!

    kina suka sangat tengok cara fatin

    you're very humble and sangat2 cantik!

    may you have a good life k ;)

    oh ya, this is my blog- http://myviolaceous.blogspot

    it's a simple very very simple blog je. kalau ada masa free, sila lah datang ye :D

  15. sgt simple. .

    outlet etude house yang sye taw dkat are kl pavillion,sg wang n sunway pyramid je. .:D
    bule ar cari kt situ

  16. hye fatin. i tgok smpai habes tau video u. thanks sgt sebb ajar mekup. i tak reti mekup/ he:)

  17. sedap suara..suka lak denga

  18. hai fatin...can u share how to shape eyebrow?..kalo eyebrow yg messy camne..nak cukur hrm camne ea>

  19. thanks korang for the compliment. segan. sbb sy main hentam je makeup ni sebenarnye. tgk2 mcm mane MUA makeup time shooting, blaja sket2. :) tuh fatin ta sure kat sini ada kat mana. try cari on9. maybe ade :)

    aaa. sexy lips sbb apply lip plumper from etude house! haha. ;p

    mm.. kalau tang eyebrow.. sy mmg fail la kot. sy tak pandai shape. apetah lagi na cukur. sbb kalau kuar mana2 pun, tak pernah shape eyebrow. uh. sorry D :(

  20. sis,i love all of your makeup tutorials and pictures..This makeup looks amazing on you, the colors blend and go together really nicely too!It looks so easy to do..Thank you very much for your tutorial, it`s a very good job, fantastic! (:

  21. fatin i na share video u dkt my blog ye ?
    kalau sng singgah . hehee . i na try mcm u make up , ^^

  22. ttrial yg best n boleh apply kt muka sya pulak pas ni..heee

  23. assalammualaikum fatin...i love to watch ur video..suka sgt.btw the song yang ada kat blog u sometimes mengganggu pendengaran saya..maybe u can remove the song please...sometimes saya tak dgr langsung apa awak cakap.sorry ok..just to give my opinion..sorry...=)mintak maaf kalau u ada terkecik hati ke terasa ok..sorry sgt.

  24. hi..i slalu curious pasal org yg suke make-up cantik2 mcm u.macam mana kalau u make-up beriya kat rumah then u pergi shopping atau ape2 event, kene solat kat sana lagi. do you bring along satu bag make-up and then gigih bermake-up semula lps dah ambil wuduk tu? i suke nak make-up tapi benda2 mcm ni la yg buat i malas. sbb nanti makan masa n leceh. any tips?

  25. anonymous 1 : wassalam.. i'm sorry. but anyways, awk blh je pause kan music tu diside bar sebelah kanan. bawah skali. under "i'm listening to this". i hope this will help u :)

    anonymous 2 : hye. mm, kalau sy,sy prefer keluar malam lepas maghrib sbb tak menyusahkan. if ada hal, sy mmg dah standby baby wipes utk lap eyeliner/ eyeshadow kat dalam beg n dalam kereta. kalau nak keluar jln2 tak perlu pun makeup bagai sgt kan.. so, after solat tu just touch up ngn compact powder n lipstick sket :)


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